[eBE] eFrance error...

Day 1,969, 14:28 Published in Peru Austria by Kaad
Dear readers,

France voted for NE eBelgium. Today, they started attacking my homeland country and COT truelly member.

However, it is a big mistake. Belgium defeated France and is gona counter attack. It is now time to make them pay for that.

eFrance wants to enter EDEN & attack CoT countries? Make them pay!

eFrance is 3907 citizens. eBelgium is 479 citizens. That's why they need our help!

With 3 regions, eBelgium has only 5 mpp: Bulgaria, Mexico, Chile, Egypt & Switzerland. Settle in one of the region of these countries to fight!


When an ally is attacked, I will always fight.


PS: Spanish translation possible?