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Providing fun, diplomatic, political and military reports! To be happy, read La Jeune Belgique!

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[eWorld] CP elections in eBe, ePe & eSwi

8 Día 1,994, 14:32 Publicado en Switzerland Switzerland Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Hello everyone!

In this article, I will speak about three eCountry presidents that were elected yesterday!

These are eBelgium, ePeru and eSwitzerland. Why … leer más »

[POJ] In place!

11 Día 1,992, 15:10 Publicado en Switzerland Switzerland Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Hello there!

Today will be a short article writen to makes known People Of Justice.

Some month ago was born the organisation, created by myself and some … leer más »

[ePl] Explosive situation - eRomanian plan

41 Día 1,991, 06:36 Publicado en Switzerland Switzerland Análisis de la guerra Análisis de la guerra

Hello the eWorld!

I'm gona speak today about a huge change in the eWorld … leer más »

[eSwi] Hello there!

14 Día 1,989, 21:05 Publicado en Switzerland Switzerland Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Hello eSwitzerland!

My name is Kaad, a RL Belgian coming after a stay in ePeru.

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[eBe] Official Profile Pictures for ABC MU

20 Día 1,981, 06:56 Publicado en Peru Peru Primeros pasos en eRepublik Primeros pasos en eRepublik

Hello readers!

I have created some days ago the new official profile pictures for the MU of Belgium Awesome Boot Camp.

Do not forget to tell me your point of
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