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Spreading the Labour message

Cut the Crap.

10 Día 957, 09:48 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

Hello Ireland.

Tomorrow, we will be electing a new president for this country, and this is a very important time for the country and all its inhabitants.

A lot of words … leer más »

A Great Mixture.

4 Día 956, 20:05 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

Awesomeness+Super Awesomeness


IrishBhoy 1967


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We Can Haz Q5 Hospital?

10 Día 952, 13:18 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

A Message to Woldy the Prime Minister of United Faildom.

Woldy, a few months back your country began an imperialistic siege to the great lands of Norway, It was known as Valhalla and yes, you guessed it. You failed.

[ … leer más »

The Time Has Come.

28 Día 949, 17:33 Publicado en Ireland Ireland


I speak to you today, not as a Party President, not as a congressman, not as a minister, I speak to you today as a Citizen of Ireland. A concerned Citizen for the well being of our Country.

Once again leer más »

A Message to the UK.

25 Día 948, 09:57 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

I think the picture says it all.

Thank you.

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