We Can Haz Q5 Hospital?

Day 952, 13:18 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm
A Message to Woldy the Prime Minister of United Faildom.

Woldy, a few months back your country began an imperialistic siege to the great lands of Norway, It was known as Valhalla and yes, you guessed it. You failed.

We watched and laughed as your country squandered hundreds of gold to gain nothing but embarassment around the eWorld, and GladDOS's raging was p funny aswell.

During these series of funny events the United Kingdom developed a policy know as the "free Q5 Hospital Policy", You would place a Q5 Hospital at your expense in a region of your choice and then feck off to where you came from.

So, I ask you now, to live up to this policy. You attacked our regions just like in Norway and we would like our Q5 Hospital, just like norway.

Thank You