Cut the Crap.

Day 957, 09:48 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm

Hello Ireland.

Tomorrow, we will be electing a new president for this country, and this is a very important time for the country and all its inhabitants.

A lot of words about "who is best for the country" have been flying around but unfortunately they really have no TRUE substance.

So, My Endorsment for Country President.

Irishbhoy 1967:

Irishbhoy was power house behind the political party Labour. He was there at the founding and continues to be a member to this day.

He put in huge amounts of effort for the party pulled us into the Top 5 in Ireland after only a very short period of time.

He was the Co Founder of the ICA, the only surviving Paramilitary Organisation in Ireland which has gained respect all over the eWorld and is even being recognised by the Dail who had previously "banished" Para military groups in Ireland. The ICA up until recently was leagues ahead of the IDF and in my opinion continues to operate a better system in which all members are provided for with Weapons and regular fights.

That alone should be enough for a president to show his capabilities, but there are more, Irishbhoy is a two time (as far as I recall) Minister Of Foreign Affairs. A well respected Department in our Cabinet. Whilst being MoFA, Irishbhoy single handely negotiated for us to be accepted into the Alliance in which we continue to be a member of, Brolliance. He aquired Mutual Protection Pacts with an array of Countries for a cheaper deal than they usually would be, this saved us money and gave us war in a time of stagnancy.

He helped to organise Ireland aiding our allies in a region swap which would for once in our history get us on the world stage. This was the first time, Ireland was in open conflict against the "real" enemy. (not norway, which just so happened to be our ally >.&gt😉 He was the medium in which Ireland received regular fights for the last days which both the ICA and IDF got to test their Leadership and methods of opperation.

Thats just about it, oh and he's a p sound aswell 😛
No pretty pictures or big writing, just pure good ol facts.

If any other candidate can match those achievements, then you have the ability to run this country. But, so far, neither of you do in myy opinion.

You need to honestly look at yourself and be honest when you think you can do a better job.

Oh, and I'd also like to congratulate moo on a job well done.

Thank You