The Time Has Come.

Day 949, 17:33 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm

I speak to you today, not as a Party President, not as a congressman, not as a minister, I speak to you today as a Citizen of Ireland. A concerned Citizen for the well being of our Country.

Once again we see the tyranny of the british homing in on our precious land, land which we have occupied freely since the day the admins decided to drop us into the "New World".

Our Land is under threat, and we must defend this with all our might.

Be you Far Right or Far Left I do not care.
Be you ICA or IDF I do not care.
Be you a Labourer or IUPite I do not care.

We all strive for one thing.
A safe and free eIreland.

Unfortuantely the admins didn't bless us with Northern Ireland but for now we must make do, we must fight for our right to live, our right to spend IEP and buy Irish Goods.

Our right to be Irish.

This right has been taken as granted for far too long, we have logged in each day without fear of not seeing the Irish Flag below our name, but soon, I fear this may not be the case.

We are now in the postion where we must fight for our survival as a race, and by god you must fight. Every piece of damage will count, every weapon used, every gold donated to a tank.

This we must do.

I leave you know an Irish Man, tomorrow I hope to say the same, make this so.

A Picture speaks a thousand words.

Which ones it gonna be?

Citizen of Ireland.