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Patriotism at its best

George Beeman For Congress Jan. 2011

11 Día 1,153, 14:59 Publicado en Canada Canada

Thats right, I'm running for congress again. Again for EPIC. Again in Saskatchewan.

I plan to:

1. Continue lowering Income tax and replacing that with VAT. Canadians deserve to earn what they earn. VAT should make up for the lowering of

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To Wes Lewis

11 Día 1,147, 16:02 Publicado en Canada Canada

(What most people are feeling right now.)

Wes, if you have any desire to retain any respect that you may or may not have had among the people, speak up, publicly. NOW. Cause … leer más »


2 Día 1,127, 14:23 Publicado en Canada Canada

I am running for congress in Saskatchewan.

I am no different than others, in the way that I only want what is best for Canada. (The gold and the map are bonuses!)

However, there is 1, crucial, difference: I am not going on vacation for

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Treasure Of Kings

5 Día 1,126, 14:06 Publicado en Canada Canada

I am making a survey to see if my suspicions are right and there actually is a link between buying gold and winning Treasure of Kings in your map.

Please take the time to respond to the questions. I shall

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Happy Holidays

2 Día 1,124, 06:50 Publicado en Canada Canada

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love
in all thy sons command.

With glowing hearts
we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!

From far and wide,
O Canada,
we stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land

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