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Patriotism at its best

My Crappy Comic Version Of How Rolo Robbed Us

16 Día 1,195, 17:07 Publicado en Canada Canada

I know, it doesn't compare to McNamara's, but I was bored.

Vote if you like it!

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6 Día 1,194, 15:14 Publicado en Canada Canada

Grain is now selling at .18. Adminbot screwed up. Please post as you normally would to help recover.


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Thank You Yukon!

3 Día 1,194, 06:23 Publicado en Canada Canada

Thanks to all who voted for me! I have been elected.

So now I shall post, once a week, my decisions (obviously, I can't disclose Closed Door Congress) and will post them in an article, with links to the discussion or law. I want transparency!!!

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[WC] The Clouds Of War Are Stirring

5 Día 1,187, 06:16 Publicado en Canada Canada

Sorry for the repost but it hit me I can use this for the DAL WC.

The NWO is coming.

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The Clouds Of War Are Stirring

12 Día 1,186, 14:39 Publicado en Canada Canada

The NWO is coming.

This article by CRoy explains it.

Serbia is coming. Russia could potentially go through us. Spain will expand. Hungary and Iran will

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