George Beeman For Congress Jan. 2011

Day 1,153, 14:59 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman

Thats right, I'm running for congress again. Again for EPIC. Again in Saskatchewan.

I plan to:

1. Continue lowering Income tax and replacing that with VAT. Canadians deserve to earn what they earn. VAT should make up for the lowering of Income tax and help to replace the money stolen by Rolo Tahmasee. This will help company owners as well, as they will get more CAD when they pull their profits out of their company.

2. Vote YES to any law beneficial to eCanada and vote NO to any law proposed by Rolo Tahmasee that tries to screw Canada up.

3. I am already doing this, but I plan to continue being insanely active on IRC and increase my forum activity. I am experienced, am always ready to take on new roles and help the younger citizens. To verify this, just ask anyone who knows me on IRC!

4. We are being squashed into a corner between 2 alliances: PANAM (Western Hemisphere), and EDEN. PANAM has made it a requirement to leave EDEN to join. So, I am unsure what to do on this, other than maybe try for observer status in PANAM, or ask them to make an exception. However, it must be known that PANAM is all in 3 timezones, which might reduce efficiency. I will support the alliance that most benefits Canada. For now, I support EDEN until she sinks, as all alliances must in the end.

5. Once battles in Europe clear up, I support an invasion of Portugal to further our economical advantage in eRepublik, as they have 2 regions that we nee😛 Alentejo/Algarve (grain) and Centro (fruit). When the new Middle Eastern countries are implemented, Canada will border Azores via NFLD.

6. Last, but definitely not least, I support a congressional inquiry into CAF High Command. We are pretty much in civil war right now, and it is time to shut everyone up, and finish this with TRANSPARENCY!!! I, myself probably wouldn't be able to join in this, as I am a Sergeant in the CAF, but I do support this, now let's get it over with!

I also have 4 leftover Q1 mts, that I will gladly share with anyone who wants to vote for me!

Vote for me, do away with Rolo, and make money!


George Beeman

'The Guardian' Writer
Forum Moderator
eCanadian Mentor
EPIC Member
Former Ontario Congressman (I'd love to add Saskatchewan to that! 😛)