To Wes Lewis

Day 1,147, 16:02 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman

(What most people are feeling right now.)

Wes, if you have any desire to retain any respect that you may or may not have had among the people, speak up, publicly. NOW. Cause right now it seems like Wilhelm Gunter was right to impeach before you won the election.

If your account was hacked, so be it. If it was hacked while trying to recover lost gold from Rolo, so be it. But if you robbed us, you will be HATED forever in eCanada. If you robbed us, you have lost everthing but money: respect, your political career, anyone who would have associated themselves with you, everything is gone.

Even if this is a TCO lulz, it's better. Just as long as you are not Project Mayhem, it is better.

To whoever may or may not have hacked Wes' account (or to Wes Lewis himself): How? How can you be such a physcopath to let such greed swallow you? We are still reeling from Rolo's robbery, and now another blow... to do this doesn't just hurt Canada, it hurts EDEN, as we lost over 3000 gold that could have been used for EDEN. It hurts our immigration, who the hell wants to move to a country where corruption is rampant? YOU are a fool and are the most hated person in eCanada right now. DAMN YOU.

Wes Lewis, if you truly want to be shunned, keep quiet. But if you want to regain our trust, please, please, SPEAK UP.

To Wes, or whoever hacked your account, I must say this:

Farewell, my friend, whoever you are, and may your name forever live in infamy.

George Beeman