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The enemy's power!!

29 Día 476, 12:50 Publicado en Norway Norway

I want to make you aware about the power that of our main enemy INDONESIA has and to make him a short description as follows :

In they first 50 people have 22 Field Marshall and 25 Generals!!
They have 3 Q5 hospital which is placed

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Perspectives about Norway after the takeover of our congress

8 Día 459, 11:32 Publicado en Norway Norway

Although I didn't prove myself a good writer so far, I want to share with you my opinion about the changes that Norway has suffered lately, especially after the congress takeover.
First of all I would like to say that the takeover wasn't a

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To all norwegians!!!

10 Día 442, 10:57 Publicado en Norway Norway

My fellow countrymen as you all know, tomorrow are the presidential elections and there are 3 candidates. Two of them are very well known norwegians and these are Kir and Salve and our votes must go to them.
Here appears a problem cause as far as

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Let me represent your wishes and desires in congress!!

2 Día 425, 09:10 Publicado en Norway Norway

Hello my dear countrymen!

I wish to represent you in congress because deep down in my soul I know that every single one of you want a fair and strong personality whom to entrust your concerns, needs and sorrows.
I am one of the best options for

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Pieces of advice for Norway's Congress!

5 Día 409, 05:38 Publicado en Norway Norway

As you all know, our country have many regions which are not naturally ours. That means, Norway will probably fight again and again to keep those territories or to return it(if the congress votes so) to their rightful owners as Moscow region.

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