Perspectives about Norway after the takeover of our congress

Day 459, 11:32 Published in Norway Croatia by Crocky

Although I didn't prove myself a good writer so far, I want to share with you my opinion about the changes that Norway has suffered lately, especially after the congress takeover.
First of all I would like to say that the takeover wasn't a democratic one, just because the elections were kept according to rules of the game, cause we all know that many of these rules aren't quite democratic. For this particular reason I allow myself to advise you to complete the survey properly and to avoid such things in the future and the voting process to be only allowed to those who have completed at least 3 weeks or a month in the country they want to vote in.(Admins should also listen what we have to say!)
And now it is time to underline the changes that took place in Norway after a darkened month in which we were ruled by russians and iranians and I will start with good ones:

- the true spirit of norwegian's ancestors arose higher that any recent issue and together we built a nation united concerned only for its liberation and prosperity of its people and many times this unity scarred our enemy and forced them to lower the damages they intended to make to our country!!

-another benefit after this takeover of our congress is that most of our citizen are now able to recognize who are their fellow countrymen who wishes the best of Norway and who aren't, and that they will be more carefully next time on the elections.

-Norway and its citizens saw that many of the companies they work in and for were used to finance rebellions and to diminish our highly resourceful regions.(I can use names but it is not the right article).

-Norway and its citizens prove once again that they can forgive and understand other wishes and rights and support Russia's demands.(we didn't agree about the way they ask for it).

-Although many skeptics aren't agree , I think that relationships between Norway and Russia met an improvement and that means a lot if we want a safe region.

Probably there were many other good things that come up after these recent events but I think these were the most notable.

The greatest bad things that happened are fewer and the most notable are:

-first of all is that we ignored all the warnings received from Japan and other friendly nations and did nothing to prevent the takeover;

-Norway and its citizens lost a lot of money for their treasure and our future needs;

-another bad thing is that, now we seem vulnerable against this kind of attacks and that may encourage other nations to follow the example of Russia, of course if admins won''t rectify the rules;

There are more bad things occurred from the takeover, but these are the ones which change the way we see things in general.
I also want to express my satisfaction cause on presidential election race, Norway acts as one and give no chance to Mossad to win. I also want to thank all of you who remained here and guard the democracy and freedom in Norway.
May that all of us to thrive in this country many days from now on and share together only pleasant moments in the game.

Thanks all for reading,