To all norwegians!!!

Day 442, 10:57 Published in Norway Croatia by Crocky

My fellow countrymen as you all know, tomorrow are the presidential elections and there are 3 candidates. Two of them are very well known norwegians and these are Kir and Salve and our votes must go to them.
Here appears a problem cause as far as I am concern I observed in latest hours massive movements of immigrants in our country. Their ultimate goal is to place votes to place Mossad as our president and that means the end of Norway as we all know it.
The problem with our 2 strong candidates is that our votes will be distributed in 2 places and in this manner Mossad could get enough votes to win this elections. Let's say that 1000 norwegians will vote tomorrow and their votes will be 50 percent to Kir and the other half to Salve. Both of them will reach 500 voters on their behalf and Mossad could easily get 500 voters only from Russia not mention that Iran is here too.
So, I am asking all of you to chose only one candidate because Kir and Salve have same ideas and ideals and both of them prove themselves true norwegians. This way will be far more difficult to Mossad to reach 1000 voters on his side than 500 or even less!!

Do this for Norway and for you!! We deserve to be ruled by one of us not some kind of mongrel!!!

Be smart and vote wisely!! Long live free Norway!!!

PS: I saw this morning that Salve was replaced with Forconin in the presidential race. Norwegians, I don't think we should vote him either cause he didn't make any statement and because his nominee belongs to a party full of terrorists!!