Let me represent your wishes and desires in congress!!

Day 425, 09:10 Published in Norway Croatia by Crocky

Hello my dear countrymen!

I wish to represent you in congress because deep down in my soul I know that every single one of you want a fair and strong personality whom to entrust your concerns, needs and sorrows.
I am one of the best options for you because I am a mix of knowledge an experience which gives me the opportunity to make my mandate perfectly for my people.If I will receive your votes I promise you I will the best congressmen this region ever had.

First of all I will try to get help from congress to build in this region a Q5 hospital. I will also try to promote laws which gives to companies in this region the chance to grow and to increase their income and also their wages, to be able to assure a great life for all our citizens.
I also try to influence our market by lowering the prices on food, gifts and weapons. I will listen all your opinions and I will be a great presence in Norway's congress and I will make your requests and needs to be hear by all our rulers.

To get all these, first of all you have to vote me!
After that, through you and with your help I will become the guardian of common people and I will do anything in my power to help you to grow inside this region, country and inside this game.
No mater your voting option, I will be proud to be part from a great people like ours!!

Thank you!

Yours sincerely,