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Illuminus Austria

12 Day 596, 18:58 Published in Austria Austria

Hello, Austrians!

Illuminus Austria

I've been receiving a lot of messages with people worried about this group. When I came on today and found them there, I was equally as surprised. If it wasn't for the fact that I had known Antonio Salgado

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Austria, a Gracious Host

7 Day 594, 14:05 Published in Austria Austria

PEACE GC is searching for a new place for the ongoing training battles to be held. Unfortunately, we were too late to get involved in the last ones hosted by Chile and Argentina. However, if things go as they seem to be now, there will be no way to

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A Brief Note from the President

4 Day 594, 00:23 Published in Austria Austria

Thank you, people of Austria, for voting me in again. I still have more ideas for this nation and I'm excited that I've been given the opportunity to implement them. I will continue my effort to make Austria a better place.

Ministers will remain

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President Again

7 Day 590, 22:01 Published in Austria Austria

Hello citizens of Austria! I will be running for President a second time and I'm here to ask you to cast your vote in my favor. I have the advantage of trying to serve my second term rather than my first, so you can elect me on merits rather than

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It's Fine, Congress

2 Day 590, 12:34 Published in Austria Austria

There was some unrest about Congressmen voting Yes to the proposal we knew nothing about. The truth is we're helping Italy by signing an MPP with Switzerland. It has been paid for and it's fine. Sorry I wasn't able to tell anybody about it

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