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[Notice] Currency Movement

5 Day 599, 17:07 Published in Austria Austria

The 5600 HUF was transferred to the Austrian Central Bank and converted to gold, leaving the ACB with 313.51 gold. 250 gold has been transferred to Minister of Defense Metallon's military account, Osterreichs Bundesheer (

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Mr. Knotsworth's Manifesto

4 Day 598, 23:24 Published in Austria Austria Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Robert Knotsworth, my friend and Minister of Finance to the nation, has presented his plan for Rot Weiss Rot and I must say, it is nothing short of thought-provoking. After reading it, I thought it necessary that I make my reaction public, available

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[Notice] Lower Austria Returns

10 Day 598, 14:41 Published in Austria Austria

Today, we invaded Lower Austria and Hungary immediately retreated. We only gave the opportunity for myself and one player from Hungary to attack so that we could both get the Battle Hero medal and its 5 gold reward. Because of this, we were able to

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[Notice] Lower Austria

4 Day 597, 12:40 Published in Austria Austria

We've experienced a bug and Lower Austria was successfully conquered by Hungary. Don't worry.
The region will be returned shortly.

~L, President


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Lynari for Austria's Party

0 Day 596, 19:53 Published in Austria Austria

Rot Weiss Rot

I hope this is good news: I'll be running again! Like last time, I'm not completely sure if it is to nominate myself for President. I like to have influence over the term to be served; if you'll have me, that is.

~L, President

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