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A Theft of (not so) Epic Proportions

15 Day 729, 09:47 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

It’s official.( Widdows9000 (our SF CO) has stole our military companies unless we meet his demands. Newer players might be shocked and outraged at this action, older players who remember

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PEACE in the World?

16 Day 723, 05:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

It is clear to many that PEACE is drifting apart. Around the globe conflicts are breaking out between PEACE nations and members are starting to leave.
Even stout supporters of PEACE are questioning and doubting the aims of PEACE, which is clearly

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Just when you thought they couldn't go any Lower...

10 Day 715, 09:17 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Gold for filling out questionnaires?

Now let's compare to the facebook game of Farmville.

'Nuff said.


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The immortal knights of the Britannic Realm

15 Day 707, 10:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Long ago, when the enemies of our kingdom were pounding at our gates and our pathetic defence was a squabbling army of peasants, King Arthur called the knights of the realm to his castle and the court of Camelot. He challenged them to read more »

Death and Valour: A Soldier's Tale

15 Day 698, 12:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

I ran out across the airfield and quickly climbed the steps into my aircraft. It was dark and there was a cold breeze in the air. I wrapped my scarf even tighter round my head and started the propellers. A voice crackled over the intercom as Jack

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