The immortal knights of the Britannic Realm

Day 707, 10:41 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter
Long ago, when the enemies of our kingdom were pounding at our gates and our pathetic defence was a squabbling army of peasants, King Arthur called the knights of the realm to his castle and the court of Camelot. He challenged them to scour the land for the strongest, most able and loyal men from which to form an army that would strike fear into the hearts of their enemies.

They succeeded. And thus Special Forces were born.

These heroic immortals battled constantly for thousands of years, and fought like tigers every step of the way. They saw dynasties rise and fall, a multitude of Emperors and kings but still they stayed loyal and upheld the oath in which they swore to protect these epic isles.

With the coming of the flood and the destruction of ATLANTIS under the waves these brave souls led our people (leaderless and afraid) to safely and away from the deceit of those lost souls who perished under the new world order.

In more recent times, one may have seen these valiant heroes waging war high about in the heavens against the Norse Valkyrie and the demon gods who control them. Another triumph worth mentioning was the stuffing they helped to give Uncle Sam and bring him down a peg or too.

But they are not alone. From across the globe soldiers are gathering to form an elite yet mysterious group known only as the PEACEKEEPERS.

As I draw to an end this epic account, I leave you with a message.
We are the Special Forces. We need YOU.

That’s right; we are opening up our doors to all those Str 9+ to become part of the race of immortal gods. Do you wish to command incredible respect? Do you want your name to strike fear into the hearts of enemies on the battlefield? And above all do you want to have a blast?

Then we are for you.

Even if you do not meet the requirements, feel free to sign up to the Royal Navy, a wonderful institution full of friends and wonderful opportunities.

What are you waiting for?
IndieKid, Special Forces Regiment