PEACE in the World?

Day 723, 05:57 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

It is clear to many that PEACE is drifting apart. Around the globe conflicts are breaking out between PEACE nations and members are starting to leave.
Even stout supporters of PEACE are questioning and doubting the aims of PEACE, which is clearly demonstrated by this comment by Michael Collins:

There seem to be 2 very confusing situations taking place around the globe both involving PEACE vs PEACE. The first is the situation in Malaysia where Indonesia, bankrupt,desperately trying to regain power on the world stage and aiming to take a high wood region attacking neighbouring Malaysia. This goes against the very principles of the PEACE charter (not that they matter any more) but what makes the situation interesting is that Malaysia have an MPP with PEACE member France.

The Korean Situation is more complicated and I'd like to thank Goku Jones for his explanation:

"The Russians PTOed North Korea's Presidency and then puzzlingly paid 700g to attack their own country (Russia).

If Russia counter attacks please do not use the MPP to fight, Japan will be absorbing North Korea and any official Russian involvement is just them being arses. Russia refused to sign NAPs and the PTO president will soon be impeached once the impeachment timer is over.

It's PEACE v PEACE - but Japan will gain Medium Iron + much needed population. Russia will gain nothing no matter what happens."

The position of the alliance was also further weakened yesterday by the withdrawal of Italy from the alliance as can be read here:

It seems Italy has been dissatisfied with PEACE ever since the last congress elections before the introduction of citizenship when PEACE tried to PTO Canada rather than aid Italy. To be fair Italy could have prevented it with a little co-operation between parties however the Croatians successfully TO'd Italy and held the country ransom to Peace, and demanded all the money ect that Peace took from them during Peace's TO of them returned.This was rejected and Italy lost a lot of money.

The whole matter of PEACE collapsing puts the UK in a very interesting position. Do we continue to support and prop up failing Empires or do we ally to those who are closer at home such as France and trying to build up relationships after the inevitable failure of PEACE? Many UK citizens now look at Scandinavia to the North East as a possible way of securing land and resources for our country as the New World enters a new era.

No one really knows what lies ahead. But rest assured I'll be reporting on it, so if you liked what you read and want to read more, please vote and subscribe!

EDIT: New just in, Indonesia have now officially left PEACE. It truly looks like the end of the alliance.: Personally I think this is because Indonesia want to go continue their invasion of Malaysia and not worry about the knock on effects for PEACE, but want to follow their own future which I respect.