A Theft of (not so) Epic Proportions

Day 729, 09:47 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

It’s official.(http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=23848) Widdows9000 (our SF CO) has stole our military companies unless we meet his demands. Newer players might be shocked and outraged at this action, older players who remember the time of the RRS theft will look at this and say “wannabe” but his demands are much more simplistic and carry a powerful message. He demands the attack of the USA by 11pm tonight or the entire of the Special Forces Company network will be transferred to the Americans. He cites boredom and frustration at the government not taking action as his reasons.

Whilst RRS was hounded as a traitor and a thief, there are mixed reactions from today’s society. A lot of military and private citizens support the move, recently the world has plunged into a decline and wars are becoming a rarity, and people are becoming bored. It is hoped that this war will kickstart the country again, give us all a blast of entertainment and hopefully start a babyboom.

However, there is strong indication that the attack (or an attack on Sweden) might have already been planned to go ahead, but it seems a substitute target had been arranged which doesn’t exactly inspire the hearts and minds of Britons. Was he right in what he did? It’s your opinion and I’m sure a fierce debate will rage for ages to come.

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