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SamGibz for Congress in KwaZulu Natal

3 Day 791, 13:39 Published in South Africa South Africa

Hello eSouth Africa!

I am going to be running for congress in KwaZulu Natal under the banner of the Suid-Afrikaanse Legioen. I am an existing congressman and as I am sure you are aware, Director of Education. … read more »

My PP's!

8 Day 786, 12:49 Published in South Africa South Africa

It that time again and every body’s eyes are looking to see who will emerge to be the leader of their own parties. There are old hands and new players going for the party position making this a very interesting. There are also those with that one

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Join South Africa [ROM]

2 Day 781, 08:18 Published in Romania Romania

To the Citizens of Erepublik,

My name is SamGibz and I am a citizen of eSouth Africa. I am asking if you would come and live in out small nation of mine with the mind to become a citizen and call it home as I do.

I once lived in a larger

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Join South Africa [RUS]

2 Day 781, 08:18 Published in Russia Russia

To the Citizens of Erepublik,

My name is SamGibz and I am a citizen of eSouth Africa. I am asking if you would come and live in out small nation of mine with the mind to become a citizen and call it home as I do.

I once lived in a larger

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Join South Africa [SER]

1 Day 781, 08:17 Published in Serbia Serbia

To the Citizens of Erepublik,

My name is SamGibz and I am a citizen of eSouth Africa. I am asking if you would come and live in out small nation of mine with the mind to become a citizen and call it home as I do.

I once lived in a larger

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