Join South Africa [ROM]

Day 781, 08:18 Published in Romania South Africa by SamGibz

To the Citizens of Erepublik,

My name is SamGibz and I am a citizen of eSouth Africa. I am asking if you would come and live in out small nation of mine with the mind to become a citizen and call it home as I do.

I once lived in a larger country with a great military, great economy and a strong government with good ties across the eWorld. They were a major player in the eWorld and things were successful. There was however one problem. I distinct lack of opportunity, a lack of community and my voice was not being heard among the many other voices competing to shout loud enough to get themselves into the heart and mind of the country. For these reasons I moved to be amongst the lowly population where our voices, our opinion, our wishes for the country were heard. Granted, our country only had two regions, it had an extremely poor economy, a practically non-existent military force and hardly a government in force, but this offered up immense opportunity to me and other migrants to the country. The survival of the country itself was a great challenge and this was exciting. We were trying to build a nation, a community out of the ashes of its destruction before.

eSouth Africa has moved on a lot since then, but similar challenges still remain. We now have a strengthened government, our economy is slowly growing and our military is building. We now have 6 regions gained from negotiations. Our main problem now is rooted with our small population and this is why we are offering our hand out for people to come and succeed in our country. We are able to offer unprecedented support to new citizens both to the game and from other countries. There are numerous positions and opportunities within the Government and the Military that need to be taken.

eSouth Africa has a thriving forum community, and by coming to our country you will make a whole host of welcoming friends. eSouth Africa is currently in the stage where is needs to fortify what we have been able to achieve and we would like you to help us do that. I would like to make it quite clear that success is instant, but is realistic and more likely than in the larger eNations to occur quicker. However, eSouth Africa is not as a secure country, we have little influence on the eWorld and as I have mentioned we are far weaker than the other countries around. However, we are careful to whom we let in and will not tolerate PTO’s.

So what have I achieved in eSouth Africa. Well, I was able to quickly become a Commanding Officer in the Shook Troopers (eSA Military). I was also the Deputy Minister for Information. I am now currently a Congressman in Eastern Cape, Director of Education and an Ambassador. Moving to eSouth Africa was my best decision I ever made in my Erepublik life.

So please join and help eSouth Africa to conquering this might mountain ahead of us and be part of a thriving community.

Thank You,
