My PP's!

Day 786, 12:49 Published in South Africa South Africa by SamGibz

It that time again and every body’s eyes are looking to see who will emerge to be the leader of their own parties. There are old hands and new players going for the party position making this a very interesting. There are also those with that one proud figure. This article if of my opinion, unbiased regarding party orientation, of who would I want to be party leader if I was in that particular party. These are in alphabetical order, not how good they are.

We start with the AFD. Nobody. There is as I write this, nobody running for party leader. Why? Maybe the current leader Ryan Dagari will apply later, or he has given up on his own party.

Second, the AGW. The current PP, Stryke Blade, hasn't put himself forward, yet? There is however a comparatively new player forward for PP, Tenshibo. His ideas are promising and from his platform he looks to be a good leader, but who is he? 1 term congressman. Is he ready to take on the big wide world of the PP?

The IA, current PP, Amun Nefer. The first thing I ask is why isn't he running again? I think he should. The current proposed character is Remon777. I am pretty confident that he will do well for his party. Vote for him. He seems strong and up for the challenge. Plus he is gaining much experience and people know him.

LPS. Same as last time, Martin Warmonger. ... Vote for him!

SAL - there could be only one choice. Atliia!

SAGP, well there are two candidates for this one, but neither is the current PP, Robert Reid. Where is he I cry? Instead we have nick jones, he looks promising, but there is something that makes me say no to him. We also have the less experienced, more experienced Hamilton Moore. Somebody I have actually heard of. I think he is best person for that party. He brings fresh exciting new ideas. I think he will make a stronger leader. Vote for him.

And finally the UNSA. The current PP Zagarius is up against the unknown Oprah Winfrey. Sure, she looks professional, but she has only been in the party 5 minutes and the country 10! She has the skill set, but not the contacts. Maybe she is the dark horse and will turn the party around. There again we have the experienced Zagarius. I think the party needs a new face, but Zagarius is the more well known guy, and the one with most influence and so this one I am tied. Either will do the party proud.

I have not spoken to any of the candidates, nor have a looked at them in depth. These are my gut feelings and I could be totally wrong. But I fancied a ramble here we are....
