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Join South Africa [POL]

3 Day 781, 08:17 Published in Poland Poland

To the Citizens of Erepublik,

My name is SamGibz and I am a citizen of eSouth Africa. I am asking if you would come and live in out small nation of mine with the mind to become a citizen and call it home as I do.

I once lived in a larger

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Join South Africa [CRO]

7 Day 781, 08:16 Published in Croatia Croatia

To the Citizens of Erepublik,

My name is SamGibz and I am a citizen of eSouth Africa. I am asking if you would come and live in out small nation of mine with the mind to become a citizen and call it home as I do.

I once lived in a larger

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Join South Africa [SPN]

3 Day 781, 08:15 Published in Spain Spain

To the Citizens of Erepublik,

My name is SamGibz and I am a citizen of eSouth Africa. I am asking if you would come and live in out small nation of mine with the mind to become a citizen and call it home as I do.

I once lived in a larger

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Join South Africa [HUN]

1 Day 781, 07:58 Published in Hungary Hungary

To the Citizens of Erepublik,

My name is SamGibz and I am a citizen of eSouth Africa. I am asking if you would come and live in out small nation of mine with the mind to become a citizen and call it home as I do.

I once lived in a larger

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Join South Africa [IRE]

10 Day 781, 07:55 Published in Ireland Ireland

To the Citizens of Erepublik,

My name is SamGibz and I am a citizen of eSouth Africa. I am asking if you would come and live in out small nation of mine with the mind to become a citizen and call it home as I do.

I once lived in a larger

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