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That's how Sue C's it [PMS]

15 Day 841, 13:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

It’s not easy coaching cheerleaders, you know. Forget ancient Sparta- the pom-pom is surely mightier than the sword. And Sue Sylvester’s survived it. She knows how to scrap and scuffle, toil and tussle. So it’s not surprising that she’s taken time

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Be an Admiral Ackbar [CP Edition]

7 Day 834, 02:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

The reason ‘Become an Admiral Ackbar’ campaign was deemed a success as it irritated standing congress members and got several other campaigning congressmen to think. But Admiral … read more »


18 Day 831, 14:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

The socialist lie ...
Many people are mislead and told lies about what real socialism is. You get the far right accusing it of being too communist and then on the other hand you have the far left accusing it of being too capitalist. So where … read more »

Be an Admiral Ackbar

15 Day 827, 02:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Congressional voting

As we all know our congress members are the most truthful people who publish their manifestos every month telling us of the changes … read more »

Socialist View [peace]

19 Day 824, 09:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Well, the ink has now dried on our treaty and the dust has begun to settle.

The rights and wrongs of whether this was the right thing to do or not could be debated for weeks. There is however a real feeling of unfinished business shared by many

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