Be an Admiral Ackbar [CP Edition]

Day 834, 02:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Socialist Party UK

The reason ‘Become an Admiral Ackbar’ campaign was deemed a success as it irritated standing congress members and got several other campaigning congressmen to think. But Admiral Ackbar’s job is never done and this time he wants you to know all the information given to him on the CP candidates.

Yesterday he sent all the candidates a PM asking for what they would want him to use for this article. Surprisingly only two responded and the rest it seems died of something called ‘CBATBH’. As stated in the article, for those that didn’t want to provide a link, he would decide one for them.

Standing Candidates

Karacticus is the standing TUP candidate with the support of PCP, Indie kid smells like butter, The People’s Party, The Real Spamicans, Praise Dio party and Belgium Interest Party. Karacticus has the largest support from other parties and is one of the only candidates to reply. You can find more out here: -

AltmerVampire is the standing RFA candidate with the support of UKRP (Party of the current Prime Minister), FDP, BEP, United Kingdom Defence Party and The Welsh Nationalist Party. AltmerVampire is the only other candidate to get support from other parties. Compared to Karacticus he only has 5 parties supporting him. AltmerVampire didn’t reply to the message and therefore must have come down with ‘CBATBH’. You can find more out here:-

Jamie Carter is the standing TSP candidate with the support of no other parties. Jamie Carter was the only other candidate (as well Karacticus) to respond to Admiral Ackbar’s message to the candidates. The Socialist Party is a centre-left party with some other members of the party being quoted to saying they are hard line left. You can find more out here:-

Alex Yoong is the Standing Workers Confederation candidate with the support of no other parties. WC is a far left party and states in its newspaper to be a pro-worker party that believes in giving the power back to the workers. You can find out more here:-

GuineaForce is the One Of Its Kind candidate with the support of no other parties. OOIK party is a centre line party. You can find out more here:-

So be an Admiral Ackbar and support the right candidate as we all know, the next Prime Minister has a lot to deal with over the coming month and a wrong vote could move us backwards rather than forward.

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