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MANIFESTO - Economic Policies

2 Day 802, 09:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

We are in favour of small government. Every citizen should have as much money a possible in their pockets to spend as they see fit. A Socialist Party government would run every department of government as efficiently as possible. A new government

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American scum!

5 Day 784, 01:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello Comrades,
I write to you today on a matter of importance!
It is well known that we are going to be invaded by our American cousins in the following months, I tell you now, re arm! Do not allow the bastard son of our great nation to destroy

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10 Day 773, 08:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

What do you see when you look at Britain?
I'll tell you what the socialist party sees, greedy capitalist pigs bent on a
corporate regime, ready to push the British population to work for pennies,
they will stop a minimum wage at all costs to save

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Why I’m Supporting the Socialist Party - By Daniel De Vito

18 Day 763, 05:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Because it’s fun. I've been a member of most of the left wing parties in eUK and I am proud to say that the Socialist Party is the friendliest of the lot.

Please make the time to read Saneth Hill’s initial manifesto here.

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The British Socialist Party – And In The Beginning...

26 Day 758, 09:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello, I am Saneth Hill and recently I have become the very firs PP of The Socialist Party.We are not a party that seeks power, or money. We just want to help out of th eUK.. In this the first article of our party paper, I will tell you about our

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