Be an Admiral Ackbar

Day 827, 02:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Socialist Party UK
Congressional voting

As we all know our congress members are the most truthful people who publish their manifestos every month telling us of the changes they will make and support. Then you get the congressmen re-apply for another term and they tell us again of the changes they will make if re-elect into congress. It turns out to be more of a cycle of lies than a position of change. This isn’t the fact for all congressmen of course, there are those who stand up for the public and do the public’s bidding rather than their own.

Knowing the congressmen continue to tell us of change, how many of them truly tell their regional citizens of how they voted. How many congressmen actually told people they voted against the impeachment or voted against the lowering of tax, who voted for the alliance with EDEN? How many of them really vote in favour of the average citizen or do they follow in the footsteps of others and make ‘strategic’ choices for us. I want to know that when I put my tick against the congressmen at the election, that they will keep their promises and tell when they stand for another term why they were able or unable to keep their promises and more importantly I want to know what their vote on certain laws were, so I can see whether the congressmen radiates my views or is just someone who wants to boast about ‘X’ amount of terms in office.

So don’t fall into the trap of ‘my congressman won’t’ tell me what he voted on certain laws or ‘my congressman won’t’ explain to me why he didn’t keep his promise. Don’t forget, we vote these people into power and I’m sure if they don’t want to fore fill that role, we can always vote someone else into their seat. We need to give the voice back to people and stop allowing certain members of congress voting for them rather than their regional citizens.

Be an Admiral Ackbar and know when you’re stuck in the cycle. If your congressman doesn’t want to answer your questions, then you know where else to vote at the next election.

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