Finland: Officially the Most Badass Country in Erepublik (USA)

Day 807, 05:05 Published in USA USA by Turd Fergusen

I meant to write this two days ago now, but bugs and admins try to bring me down. The truth must be revealed!
(Reprinted Censored Version, don't delete again plz, I use vocabulary that is used in Kindergarten for christs sake)

An Introduction to Finnish badassery.

Simo Hayha is just one example of a Finnish badass. He single handedly killed almost a thousand of invading Russians in -20 degrees below zero, who apparently did not know the common sense fact, that NO ONE efs with Finland
Russia learned this lesson the hard way:

(yeah...don't believe me take a look at the stats there)

Well The awesomeness that the Finland transfers over into erepublik as well.
So as most of you know Finland attacked Estonia. Why you say? Because they felt like it. That's why. Well anyway, Finland, a country of approximately 1800 people attacked Estonia, the ugly school girl of erepublik. Of these 1800 people living in Finland 777 Finns made it to the battlefield, the rest I assume were taking a -20 degree Celsius ice bath, or wrestling bears...naked.
These 777 tough, mean-ass, battle-hardened mother"fudgers", were able to dish out -920K damage. Big deal you may say, well look at Serbia for instance. Yesterday they managed to dish out approx 2 million damage. So Finland's 777 fighters did approximately half the damage of Serbia's 9000 fighters. Thats just mother"fudging" badass right?

(Finnish warrior prepare for battle)

I do not exaggerate these stats. Not one bit..
Anyway. Finland lost unfortunately, but they made their enemies pay dearly, thats for sure. Russia, Latvia, and the UK had to desperately send in their entire mobile forces, only to barely scrape out a victory against what was essentially just Finns.
The moral of the story is
Don't "fudge" With the Finns!