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Daily Terrible Joke (Day 1698)

4 Day 1,698, 16:41 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I have invented chicken-proof grass.

It's impeccable

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Daily Terrible Joke (Day 1697)

9 Day 1,697, 16:28 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

A Policeman pulled me over on the motorway.

He came to the window and said, "Papers," so I replied, "Scissors, I win," and drove off.

He must want a rematch, because he's been chasing me for fucking miles now.


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Daily Terrible Joke (Day 1696)

5 Day 1,696, 12:30 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I bought a frozen pizza the other day and it said on the box, "Cook for between 20 and 22 minutes."

Now, I'm not a genius, but isn't that 21 minutes?


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Daily Terrible Joke (Day 1695)

3 Day 1,695, 14:32 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I ran into the vets this morning and said to the blonde receptionist, "Quick, I think my daughter's hamster is in serious trouble."

"Hamster?" she laughed. "That's a snake."


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Our Friend Yddub

49 Day 1,694, 17:52 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Yddub Emwolb!
Simply whispering that name has been known to send shivers of terror down the spines of many … read more »