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The weed is mightier than the sword.

Daily Terrible Joke (Day 1717)

3 Day 1,717, 11:59 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

My best friend would have been competing in the Olympic games but he tested positive for two types of steroids and a synthetic growth hormone.

It's his own fault really, I did tell him to stop eating burgers from McDonald's.


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What Does the Scouter Say About John Gormley's Strength Level?

7 Day 1,717, 07:48 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

IT'S OVER 9000!!!

What? 9000?! There's no way that could be right...

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Daily Terrible Joke (Day 1716)

9 Day 1,716, 14:00 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

A man is walking along the beach when he finds a decrepit old lamp lying on the ground. Thinking it might be worth something, he picks it up, rubs the dirt off it, and lo and behold- a genie pops out!

The genie says to him: I will grant you three

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Daily Terrible Joke (Day 1715)

5 Day 1,715, 16:03 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I'm not one to brag, but I could have been in this year's Olympics.

If they had an event where you fall over things without spilling your beer.

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Daily Terrible Joke (Day 1714)

4 Day 1,714, 12:45 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

A couple of lads tried to get into my car last night so I attacked them with a baseball bat.

I'm not cut out to be a taxi driver.

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