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Bug in Madhya Pradesh

10 Day 772, 11:49 Published in USA USA

The RW in Madhya Pradesh against Indonesia was successful as seen here:

However, as we

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Crazy War Goes Crazy

6 Day 771, 08:51 Published in USA USA

With the absolutely insane number of battles that were started yesterday, it was inevitable that each side would win some and lose some. But out of the complicated exchanges that took place over the last 24 hours, who can we say won the day?

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Europe Explodes

6 Day 770, 08:23 Published in USA USA

I got a bit of deja vu when I logged in this morning (after hours yesterday of stupid penguin bowling DDoS morons...) to find that pretty much everyone was attacking/being attacked by everyone else in Europe. Spain v. France+Italy, Croatia v.

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5 Day 769, 21:01 Published in USA USA

THEY CAN ALL GO TO HELL. For the last 7 HOURS</strong> erep and the eUS forums have been down. the eUS forums have been under DDoS attack for a few days now, but these <strong>PENGUIN BOWLING MORONS are really starting to get bold

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Spain Goes at it Again...

5 Day 769, 13:35 Published in USA USA

Spain has decided to take this time to take more land from France, despite MPPs with Russia and Serbia being activated as a result. I suppose this is in response to Italy's declaration of war

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