Europe Explodes

Day 770, 08:23 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

I got a bit of deja vu when I logged in this morning (after hours yesterday of stupid penguin bowling DDoS morons...) to find that pretty much everyone was attacking/being attacked by everyone else in Europe. Spain v. France+Italy, Croatia v. Slovenia, Hungary+Bulgaria v. Romania, Greece v. Turkey, and Germany v. Poland. That's quite a lot to cover, so please excuse me for the impending walls of text...

Lets start in Spain. As I said in my last article, Spain attacked France so that they could get an open war with Italy, just moments before the Italian declaration of war against Spain passed. This gave Spain the initiative against Italy, instead of the other way around. By doing this, Spain ensures that they will not be perma-blocked by ping-pong attacks coming from Italy and France one after the other. This activated a lot of MPPs in France that Spain did not want, namely with Russia and Serbia. On the Italian side, it opened up an MPP with Indonesia. Spain is obviously having a difficult time countering Serbia, Russia and Indonesia, but there are 16 hours left in most of the French battles, although it looks as though the Italy battles will only serve as blocks. At this point Spain just hoped that either Russia or Serbia drops their MPP with France, which at this point does not look likely, or an allies makes a move to suck up Phoenix damage.

That brings us to Croatia v. Slovenia. Slovenia has MPPs with Serbia, Hungary and Serbia, which makes me suspect that a reason for this attack was to lessen the damage going to help France against Spain. In taking out a minion of Serbgary, they are also going to gain a border with Italy, which could develop into further helping the Spanish situation in France. If Croatia can conquer and hold all of Slovenia, the newly-activated MPPs on the side of Slovenia will go away, and Croatia will not have to fear Serbgarian retribution through Slovenia. At the moment, Croatia is taking a strong lead, and should be able to squeeze out a few wins in this war.

A little to the North, Germany is attacking some of the regions recently conquered by Poland. With all this other crazy sh-- happening, Germany wants to make sure that they are not next, so these attacks are most likely nothing more than blocking maneuvers. None of these battles will have a chance of succeeding, as Germany's MPPs are well occupied elsewhere and Germany cannot defeat Poland alone.

Sadly, to the south we see Greece has lost initiative against Turkey, and those newly-activated MPPs are doing a real number on Greece. Only 5 hours into the battle, and the wall is nearly -600k underground. The Greeks are in some serious trouble here if they cannot regain initiative, and with a prize like a high iron region in front of them, Turkey will likely continue as far as they can into Greek territory. On the same not, Turkey has also attacked Israel, which has no real chance of defending itself at the moment against such a powerful adversary.

Now we come to a real wild-card tactic, where Hungary attacked Romania. The Huns are off to an early lead, but EDEN will likely start pushing the wall back up significantly in the coming hours. Activating Romania's MPPs is a dangerous move on Hungary's part, and if they don't play their cards right, it could turn into a Greece v. Turkey situation. The Huns have also gotten their lackeys in Bulgaria to attack.

To the South-East, Indonesia goes at it again and has decided to attack Sarawak Malaysia. Honestly, I feel sorry for Malaysia. They are the only target Indonesia is strong enough to take down on their own anymore, so they are Indonesia's punching bag. Still, when they had 30 MPPs against Indonesia they failed to do anything but sit on them, and now they have a high chance of getting taken over.

Finally, Hungary is putting a border around its precious stronghold in Hello Kitty, by giving North Korea all of its territory back, as well as Jilin. With Jilin in control of an enemy, we will not be able to have the element of surprise when we finally go to attack Hello Kitty. I think it would be smart for us to try to RW this region back to China well in advance of our attack on HJK for this reason. Still, it further complicates things.

Oh, and everyone should pass on that STUPID PENGUIN BOWLING DDoS MORONS, kthnx. Again, sorry for the long walls of text, a lot has been going on. I might write another article later today if enough major stuff happens tonight, if not, I'll do a recap of the results of today's events tomorrow. See you all on the battlefield 🙂