Day 769, 21:01 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

THEY CAN ALL GO TO HELL. For the last 7 HOURS</strong> erep and the eUS forums have been down. the eUS forums have been under DDoS attack for a few days now, but these <strong>PENGUIN BOWLING MORONS are really starting to get bold attacking erep itself...

If this down time were set in place by the admins, they would have told us so. If it were a ton of freaking bugs that we've been having the last few days, at least SOMETHING would have worked over the last 7 HOURS</strong>. The only two possibilities for this crap are 1) The bugs are so bad in this game that nothing can operate for more than 24 hours and is on the verge of utter collapse, or 2) <strong>PENGUIN BOWLING DDoS MORONS are attacking the site. I'll leave you to decide...