Bye Bye Russia!

Day 659, 14:10 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

If things keep going the way they have been, there will be only 3 original U.S. states held by Russia in 24 hours. Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Jersey. Edit: While I was writing this article, we launched an attack on Massachusetts. One more off the list! At that time, will will probably begin attacking all three, which, if successful, would end the Russian front to the war. This leaves only itsy bitsy Colombia, and behemoth Hungary. All we have to do to get back at Colombia is win against one of their offensives and wait for whatever others they have started to fail, then counter-attack. We can probably take out all states held by Colombia as well as Northwest of Mexico, so that adds about another three days to the tally. So my estimate says 5-6 days before we have to go head to head with the Huns.

Now Hungary, well, they are kinda screwed. If we attack them and fail, they have two options. They can either attack us, which would activate a lot of MPPs against them making it easy to defeat them without allies, or they can do nothing, and wait for us to attack again. And Hungarians are by no means pacifists, so waiting around and doing nothing while under attack does not typically. sit well with them. And statistically, if we attack their regions enough, we will eventually squeeze out a win in one of the attempts.

On the other fronts, Spain only has 1 more region to take back from Brazil, and they will be whole again. Canada will be able to focus all their attention on regaining their territory and blocking Hungary now that they no longer share a border with Russia. All in all, pretty good come back. We still have a while to go before we have true victory, but with PEACE's latest attempt to beat us with Colombia about to epic-fail, we seem to be in some sunny weather.