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And so they came...

2 Day 863, 07:46 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

*Religious view of the recent battle of Sindh, and the recent uproar in EDEN due to it.*

They came, with their pig disgusting ways;laying waste to life as they're hooves marked the sand. With the false brethren in tow, they seemed unstoppable.

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Ministry Of Babies

5 Day 858, 12:38 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

We have a good influx of new players now. This is a result of our baby boom which is still underway. One problem is that these new babies have nobody to mentor them. They ask the Prez for help, and others. But the Prez has enough on his plate with

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Sign here so we can use the hospital like before

5 Day 855, 13:09 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

Sign here if you want to heal with additional wellness in the hospital after fighting, like before:

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Pakistan Republic Day

4 Day 854, 13:15 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

This article is intemded to share some rl Pakistani history with the citizens of the New World as well as to congratulate RL Pakistani New World citizens on this great day

Happy Pakistan Republic Day!
[img][/img] … read more »


8 Day 852, 13:29 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

P.I.D or Pigs in Disguise are a group of pigs within Pakistan, in disguise. They have now been identified. They only have 1 mission;to cause chaos amongst the native Pakistani and to … read more »