
Day 852, 13:29 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Policy

P.I.D or Pigs in Disguise are a group of pigs within Pakistan, in disguise. They have now been identified. They only have 1 mission;to cause chaos amongst the native Pakistani and to put down the Empire. The head of P.I.D is none other than our very "own" Fruitcommando. That is right sandworms, he has been making false propaganda against the saints of Pakistan. However pigs are not known for their intellignece but for their horns which take up a lot of skull space

Their propaganda falsely states that only Dioist's should reside within Pasistan, Pakistanis may not have government positions. These statements conflict with The Good Text's and ultimately, the words and proclamations for God Emperor Dio Brando himself. Below quotes to shwoing that the God Emperor considers Dioist's Pakistanis and vice-versa.

"On the seventh day, there was a partay with sand, pakigirl and everything. Everyone was happy and danced for Dio, everyone except for the unspoken one - for he had the seeds of evil in him. And he wanted to be Dio, but he had lust and misplaced pride. He was sad and felt like he was no Pakistani. He had not the gold and shiny of all the other Pakistanis. "

The above quote from The Good Book, shows that Pakistani partied with the Dioist's as bros and enjoyed the light of the God Emperor.

"The Pakistanis always cheered for Dio, but as they went to seek him the next morning, he had disappeared. "

From: The Good Book. It states that the Pakistanis care dearly for Dio and are the product of him and the sand of this nation.

" He was sad and felt like he was no Pakistani. He had not the gold and shiny of all the other Pakistanis.

Dio and all the other Pakistanis knew that, but tried not to reject him. They treated him like a fellow Pakistani and gave him sand. The seed of evil could not grow - for the sand was protecting him.

And for years, Falcon, the unspoken one, and everyone else lived well. "

From: The Good Book. Well, as we can see the Unspoken One "blended in" with the Pakistani but was an imposter or pig. We gave him sand to try to cure him, to show him our ways and we accepted him. Why am I telling you this? Be patient young Pakistani, I shall expain.

Zammuel the fake God, had come to ePakistan with a promise to not let his followers also come here and hijack the holy lands. After a while the merciful Pakistani accepted him. But today he is contesting for the office of the God Emperor against a hardworking saint of Pakistan. This false idol can be interpreted as the unspoken one. He and Fruitcommando (who is American pig btw) have a plan to rob the shiny of Pakistan (Fruitcommando has already accomplished this) and destroy beyond repair The Holy Empire.

So you see, our Empire, our nation has been invaded by pigs, in disguise. I ask all Pakistani/Dioist to rid our nation of this plague.
