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IFP Decide

10 Day 1,961, 13:35 Published in Ireland Ireland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Latin to stay with our conclave theme
Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum
Habemus a praecessi
Nos tulissetis subsidio nostris currens Praeses
Nos suscipiet candidatus de Unum Hibernia

Thanks to the members of IFP who participated. … read more »

IFP 'in Conclave'

14 Day 1,958, 12:06 Published in Ireland Ireland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

The Irish Freedom Party have begun dicussions on who they will support in the April Presidential Election.

The 50 party members are 'in Conclave' and … read more »

Interview with MUFC

36 Day 1,953, 04:01 Published in Ireland Ireland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Interview on Day 1952 with MUFC992 - CP of Ireland

1.How do you respond to people saying you rigged the Alliance referendum?

Some people can't realise that most of Ireland wants one thing. Their stance is "my way or I'll destroy all

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Balance in the IFP

8 Day 1,943, 06:19 Published in Ireland Ireland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Well after a few days of Krakken's mouthwash the IFP have shown him being tough and 'mouthy' won't win you an election.
You need the respect of your comrades and a positive attitude.

A 5 month record of 31(65😵 , voted in the IFP PP election

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IFP Primary Results - March 2013

11 Day 1,940, 10:15 Published in Ireland Ireland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Over the past 24 hours members of the IFP have been voting for their candidate in the Party President election. With 6 candidates running we felt we needed to be sure we weren't PTO'd.

Change in Voting
This month we decided to … read more »