Interview with MUFC

Day 1,953, 04:01 Published in Ireland Ireland by Elite C

Interview on Day 1952 with MUFC992 - CP of Ireland

1.How do you respond to people saying you rigged the Alliance referendum?

Some people can't realise that most of Ireland wants one thing. Their stance is "my way or I'll destroy all around" and it's not how it works.
I think questions on referendum were p clear. Everyone knew everything about each alliance, we've been gathering informations, all parties and all sides has been presenting their own preferred alliance for how much? 3 months already.

This game is bipolar, there's two sides: proEDEN and CoTWO, that's why question was to choose between two of them. How many people choosen proEDEN side? Huge majority did. proEDEN alliances has been put in proEDEN side and CoT and TWO on CoTWO side, which is how it should be.

People had chance to decide between all alliances and all sides, that's why we made sure everyone answer on three questions, you don't need much brain to realise this elections hasn't been rigged at all. Whiners gonna whine tho. And that's harming our democracy and our reputation in our new alliance

2. How is our Finances going so far this month?
We're spending more on IA, but we're making a lot more too. Only problem is current gold price which doesn't allow us to make more money. We'll end this term in plus

3. We have signed a signifigant more MPP's this month than last. How can this be possible when we were told last month we had no money?
It's all possible with good diplomacy. We're signing MPP's cuz MPP's is what makes us strong at this moment.

4. Do you plan on running for CP for a second consecutive term?
Yes, I have a job to finish and I'm sure most of Irish parties will realise that and support me again.

MUFC Thank You for you time.

All the Best,
Elite C