Balance in the IFP

Day 1,943, 06:19 Published in Ireland Ireland by Elite C

Well after a few days of Krakken's mouthwash the IFP have shown him being tough and 'mouthy' won't win you an election.
You need the respect of your comrades and a positive attitude.

A 5 month record of 31(65😵 , voted in the IFP PP election yesterday.

Rikian stormed to victory with 20 votes and a 64.52% share.

7 people also voted for IRA Fighter and we are glad to see new players getting involved and making a lasting impression. Definately a future PP. Keep it Up.

Cry of the Banshee came into the race too late and has since left the IFP and the political side of the game.

Releasethe Krakken got 2 votes and unsuprising didn't win. His American style campaigning did him no justice.
If you have read his article you will notice more comments then votes and some IFP members commenting 'Vote Rikian' and of course the support from Kurgan.

And of course like any sour politician he has decided its my fault he lost. Apparently my 'misconduct' of a Primary was unfair. Anyways he has decided to have an open vote as to whether or not the people of the IFP want me to stay! I'll respect their decision.

Anyway this article represents my own opinion and not that of the IFP.
Let the commenting commence!!

All the Best,
Elite C