IFP Primary Results - March 2013

Day 1,940, 10:15 Published in Ireland Ireland by Elite C

Over the past 24 hours members of the IFP have been voting for their candidate in the Party President election. With 6 candidates running we felt we needed to be sure we weren't PTO'd.

Change in Voting
This month we decided to use the Instant Run-Off voting method instead of FPP.

Multi Votes
Anyone who read Krakkens article will notice that 74 votes were cast in the Primary, despite the IFP having only 49 members.

Because we used Opavote.org a cookie was enabled and it spotted multiple votes. It turns out 39 of 74 ballots were of same IP address.

New Candidates
Since the results were announced Cry of the Banshee decided to run. We don't know why they waited until after the Primary?


Click here to View Results

For those who cannot make out the results heres a quick summary:

Count 1: First Pref.
Rikian1776 - 11 [down 8 since multi elimination]
Releasethe Krakken - 10 [down 30 since multi elimination]
Biker2446 - 5 [down 1 since multi elimination]
IRA Fighter - 5
destrose - 2
Fitzy16 - 2

After the round went through and each candidate was eliminated 1 by 1, it came down to Rikian and Krakken in Count 5.

Rikian1776 - 24
Releasethe Krakken - 11

So therefore the winner of the IFP March Primary is Rikian1776.
All members are now asked to vote for him and him alone on Friday.
All other candidates are asked to be good sports and drop out of the race.

All the Best,
Elite C