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[CP-Campaign]Summary of My Main Changes and Conclusion

19 Day 741, 17:51 Published in Ireland Ireland

My articles so far:

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[CP-Campaign]My National Goals and Changes to Ministries

30 Day 739, 19:36 Published in Ireland Ireland

My articles so far:

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My Bid for Country President : Introductory Article

29 Day 739, 03:44 Published in Ireland Ireland

"A President is an elected leader that should embody “the spirit of the nation” for the nation itself and the world." - eRepublik Wiki

[ … read more »

[STATS] USA vs Ireland Wargame Statistics

12 Day 736, 15:28 Published in Ireland Ireland

Overall Fights and Damage:

Attackers:[/read more »

Saoirse - Congressional Candidates

18 Day 734, 17:41 Published in Ireland Ireland

Saoirse Congressional Candidates

Who is saoirse? Check out our website to find out! (and try and beat ping pong)

[img]http://[/img] … read more »