[CP-Campaign]Summary of My Main Changes and Conclusion

Day 741, 17:51 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator

My articles so far:

1) Introductory Article

2) National Goals and Changes to Ministries

3) My Main Changes and Conclusion

Summary of My Main Changes

The Logging of Information

I want logs to be collected per day of:
- The amount of new citizens
- The amount of overall citizens
- The GDP (Gross Domestic Profit)
- Monthly Exports and Imports
- Inflation
- Salary minimum and average
- Dates of Any tax changes and laws


I believe that logging lots of information now will prove invaluable for the future. It will allow graphs to to be created and accurate predictions to be made. This information will greatly help in creating averages for the various ministries especially the MoNC. Also they will help future presidents and cabinet officials to set more achievable goals and see how out country has progressed.

The Creating of a New Ministry (or Renaming Immigration)

This is a new ministry i want to create with the same roles as the Ministry of Immigration but more power and responsibilities. The role of Minister of Interior in RL heads the control of policing, immigration and national security. The Idea of policing i have in mind is for citizens to "enjoy freely (within the law) their social, political, economic, and cultural life without any negative constraints put upon them by either the state or non-state actors'' as Ian Arbuckle said. I want to try and reduce the little scamming and other illicit things that happen in eIreland by investing this Minister the right to bring issues straight to the High Court unless the power is abused.

The Focus on the IDF

I want the Army of eIreland to be strong and able to withstand attacks, like proberly every other candidate. They way forward for this i feel is following Dubhtaighs "Master Plan" and appointing a person with alot of military expierience. I want the command structure to be redone for the last time so maximun effieciency can be achieved. The only way to level up our soldiers faster is to provide wars and weapons, its that simple, it just is how it can be make cost effective is the problem.

The Building of Relations with Nations in Our Proximity

After the fall of PEACE there is alot of unaligned nations out there. There has also been a increase in the pro-alliance section of Ireland. I want Ireland to get involved in the brokering for lots new alliances and put them forward to the people of eIreland. There is no need to rush .We will eventually find one that suits us and when we do we can put out time and effort into it, with the people's backing first. We must also keep relations up with other small nations as, they are simular to us.

Regular Cabinet Meetings

I think regular cabinet meetings should take place here is a rough timescale i set out.

Meeting 1 = Just after the cabinet is chosen - In this meeting goals and targets will be set by myself and the Ministers for their Ministry. They will be evaluated at the end of the term and for those you suceed i will personaly give them a gift. I will adress my overall expectations for the cabinet and set down the rules and responsibilities.

Meeting 2 = Middle of the term - A checkup on all goals and targets will take place. Friendly advice will be offered to help the underachievers. Important issues will be discussed and dealt with.

Meeting 3 = End of the term - Evaluation on goals and targets, the list will be released with comments. I will adress the whole cabinet on my thoughts for the whole term. I will give the members who did exceedingly well gifts.


What i lack in the areas of expertise and knowledge of the constitution etc, i feel i make up in my enthusiasm and social skills. After all eRepublik is a "Strategy Social game" and socialising is the main aim of this game. You cannot get anywhere if you cannot communicate. I for one alwyas communicate be it on the IRC or in my Newspaper, its the 10th most subscibed in Ireland. Being a President isn't about knowing it all or doing everything right, its keeping your nation together effieciently while continuosly bettering it for the people and the good of the world...

There are definately 2 other strong candidates running for the Country Presidency of eIreland in Appleman and Uainthne I say 2 as only 2 have actually released articles about their Ideals and changes upon becoming the Irish Country President. I strongly feel that if either of the two win it will be a success for eIreland as they are definately qualified enough to be Country President.

So far there has been alot of candidates in the field for Country President with most of
the politicals partys having a candidate. This will split the votes greatly for people who didn't even both to put a article up like myself Uaithne and Appleman have. I implore you...

The Articles so far

This is my third article so far. I am planning on releasing one further article to answer all your questions, so subscribe to stay tuned for further articles. These will be : question time and mabye another after that.

Niall H for Country President

Vote Niall, YOUR voice for the Emerald Isle

Thank you for reading,

Niall H
Founder of Saoirse
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Writer of "A different point"
Cleric of ~hyuu~
Ambassador to eFinland and eMexico