[CP-Campaign]My National Goals and Changes to Ministries

Day 739, 19:36 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator

My articles so far:

1) Introductory Article

2) National Goals and Changes to Ministries

My National Goals

Here is a screenshot of my national goals. They are meant to be secret until the elections. I feel "sharing is caring," and i care about the Irish people. Having the right goals means we get Irish Monuments!

For my national goals i seeked some help so i could choose the right goals that would ensure that Ireland could achieve them and get monuments for our country. I did this as its better to get expert opinions than trying it alone and failing miserably.

Increase Population by 7% - I spoke to ministers about this such as buddysilver and memphis and we came up with 7% which i feel this is feasible. Ireland is getting a good amount of citizens a day so 7% shouldn't be that hard to achieve.

Increase GDP by 5% - I spoke with Dubhthaigh about GDP and how it will be affected by population increase and the MoF's schemes. Following the information he gave me we came up with the figure of a 5% increase. This is playing it save as you can be never sure with markets.

Keep all current regions - This was the obvious option as our relations with our border countries are very good. Also we do not have the military strength to stand up to the giants of Canada, USA and Uk on the battleground. Ensuring we keep our current regions will be the main objective of the MoFA by keeping up relations with border countries.

Ministries and Changes

Ministry of Defence:

If you want Peace, prepare for war (Si vis pacem, para bellum) - Vegetius

Its is stupidity to think that our status as Independent can defend us from a determined agressor so its the job of the MoD to succesfully organise our troops so be can defend our nation and assist other nations. In this Ministry i am hoping to get a more efficient and highly trained army for the county of Ireland. Hopefully this will include the provision of weapons to soldiers in the IDF so higher ranks can be had more easily attained, boosting our defensive value as a nation.

Ministry of Finance:

"Money Talks"

I feel there is nothing more i can suggest for this department. It does its job very well and is a backbone of the Government, as without money nothing can be accomplished, Money talks. There are not any current improvements i can think of for this ministry as it is in very capable hands especially with the current plans to help improve our export market.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

All war represents a failure of diplomacy - Tony Benn

Being the current MoFA i feel this role is very important in the running of the country.It is needed to keep relations going with other countries to ensure our survival and growth. With diplomacy wars can be averted so that is why this is high on my agenda. My main aims for this department will be to increase relations with our bordering nations and nations in our vincinity. This is because after the fall of PEACE many different alliances are floating around, so developing close relations with these nations will ensure our survival in the future and may mean the addition to Ireland in a alliance.

Ministry of Industry:

This Ministry runs the state companies very well at the moment and i have no criticisms of it. The only thing i want to do this term is purchase more Iron companies or upgrade the current ones so more Iron can be provided for the production of weapons for the IDF for the points mentioned in the MoD section.

Ministry of Health:

health is life's greatest hindrance - Plato

The health department has always done a good job. As long as it manages to heal citizen back up to good health so they can fight it is completing its job requirements. Although i would like the MoH to work in conjunction with the IDF if the need for tanking ever arrives so we can ensure we get maximum damage. Apart from that i do not want any major changes.

Ministry of Community:

Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community - Anthony D'Angelo

I have to admit i am blown away by the effort einberliner puts into the Community departments, i feel to her credit it is one of the best run departments in the Country. The MoC is meant to show they care for everybody as we are all one in Ireland. I want this work to continue as the vast amount of competitions help keep the country engaged so we keep more citizens in Ireland. There are no changes i want to make here.

Ministry of Education:

Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another - Gilbert K. Chesterton

The new reforms in Education have been good and i want the to be continued fully. The promotion of classes should be a priority so more citizens attend them. I feel that history classes should be offered or just a list of links to the wiki of important events in the eWorld and Ireland that have happened which will make our citizens more educated.

Ministry of Information

As a rule, he or she who has the most information will have the greatest success in life - Benjamin Disraeli

This ministry has had a rather small job of informing the people of things going on in the government. I feel the people should be informed about the going on in the government but this ministry need to be more utilised. I want this ministry to keep a record of:
- The amount of new citizens every day
- The amount of overall citizens every day
- The GDP (Gross Domestic Profit) every day
- Monthly Exports and Imports everyday
- Inflation everyday.
- Salary minimum and average everyday.

This is because i hope to utilise this information to help the government in the future for predicting realistic and achievable national goals and to see how our country is progressing over time. It isn't that time consuming but makes a real difference.

New - Ministry of Interior

This is a new ministry i want to create with the same roles as the Ministry of Immigration but more power and responsibilities. The role of Minister of Interior in RL heads the control of policing, immigration and national security. I feel it will be more efficient to do these too roles at once, as by sorting out Immigration the Minister will more likely spot a security risk increasing reaction time. This ministry will have the role of dealing with immigration and the overall security of the whole nation. This means he/she will keep tabs on security risks in the country and/or making their way here while sorting out the immigration service.

The Articles so far

This is my second article so far. I am planning on releasing a few more to conclude my aims and points for being voted Country President. Make sure you subscribe to stay tuned for further articles. This will be : my points, conclusion and question time.

Niall H for Country President

Vote Niall, YOUR voice for the Emerald Isle

Thank you for reading,

Niall H
Founder of Saoirse
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Writer of "A different point"
Cleric of ~hyuu~
Ambassador to eFinland and eMexico