Saoirse - Congressional Candidates

Day 734, 17:41 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator
Saoirse Congressional Candidates

Who is saoirse? Check out our website to find out! (and try and beat ping pong)

The Shannon

Micktrim - Mick is a very active member of eIreland getting involved in lots of discussions and as a valuable member of the Irish Defence Forces, re-electing him into congress will greatly help the nation with diversity of views and a great level head. His manifesto.

Biffo3000 - Biffo is a returning congressman who is hoping to right the things he did wront the last time round. He has been very active on his return and is putting alot of energy in. His manifesto

BrendanC - Brendan is upcoming politician, he has been very active in Saoirse and getting into congress will only bolster his enthusiasm. His manifesto.

The Northeast

Niall H - I can't really mention much here without being Biased. I am the current MoFA and party president of Saoirse. I feel that being a member of congress will help me become even more intergrated in the country. My Manifesto

The Northwest

Buddysilver - Buddysilver is the current MoNC and a great asset to eIreland and Saoirse. Despite holding a ministry he is still to be part of congress so voting for him is a must. He certainly will make a difference as a congressman as he has as a minister. His manifesto.

Gleb2006 - Gleb, despite being new has already made a huge contribution to Saoirse with the help of re-organising the party. He also released a article to help the new people in Ireland. He certainly has the expierience and activity to be a congressman and a different view of things he has is certainly what is needed in the Dail. His manifesto.

The Southeast

NavyII - Navy is a new addition to Ireland but is still a good example of a congressman he is always active on the IRC so there is no doubt he will be active in the Dail. He has a long list of achievements in America as with Gleb, they are both worthy candidates.

EammonM - Eammon is a active citizen in eIreland and Saoirse with a key grasp on things in Ireland. As shown in his manifesto he has clear views on things in eIreland, this makes him a ideal candidate as he has alot to contribute.His manifesto.

Cork and Kerry

Memphis Raines III - Memphis is a very active citizen who has got involved from day one. I think he definately deserves congress as he really has made a effort to get intregated into eIreland and stay active. His manifesto.


O Bass - O bass is ranked 8th in eIreland and certainly deserves congress on the sheer expierience and 21 Medals behind him! He is active and makes himself known in Saoirse. His manifesto is in the works

Vote smart! Vote Saoirse!

Thank you for reading,

Gleb2006 The congressional election manager


Niall H
Founder of Saoirse
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Writer of "A different point"
Cleric of ~hyuu~
Ambassador to eFinland and eMexico