the BBH-times

Day 633, 06:59 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by shadowukcs

Dear eUK citizens

We all know BBH on the eUK. It's been called many names varying from "childish dump" to "mini /b/-kintergarden board", to "ZOMG!!! it has my name in it!!! best place evaaaa". With this article I'm trying to keep you update on the latest info in our beloved BBH-land.

Roman pictures leaked

Yesterday our redaction received strange pictures that where said be pic of roman under the shower. They where send to us by a certain Lee R. To safeguard the identity of this informant who is said to be someone close to Romansoldier, we aren't able to reveal his full name.

when we got this picture we asked ourselves: wut is this?? But after long research in our most advanced computers we found that it was a coded picture. some parts of it where missing.

This is a house and a sun you say? Think again!!

the answer can be found here

click here!!

MUAHAHAHAHA, looks allot like Roman from behind, doesn't it????

Brodie & Meghan getting married. unfortunate ending

In other news Brodie and Meghan finally got married. We all know brodie share a deep hate-love relationship with Brodie calling meghan "big" and a "whale" and meghan questioning brodie sexuality. It's clear to everyone in IRC that they would eventually get married and have lots of babies. Unfortunately during the first wedding night brodie already cheated on her with someone's mom. (it's still unclear who's mother this is but rumour speak about a certain Mrs Baykara) When Meghan found out, she wasn't too happy about it.

told ya she was big brodie

Digby find luff

Digby finally found some affection. While fighting in Canada digby was to lead his squad trough the forests. unfortunately he held the map upside down the entire time, got this squad lost and eventually his squad ran off on him while he was taking a sh*t in the forest. It was there that he met his new girlfriend. There can't be a clearer sign of the integration of the Canadian woman in the new UK empire.

he already brought her home and introduced her to his parents.

digby: Mom, Dad, I'd Like You to Meet my New Girlfriend
digby's mom: isn't he... she... he... it a bit hairy?
Digby: mo-om! stop that! in her country facial and breast hair is considered a sign of wealth!
digby's mom: oooooh... I'm sorry son.

Bob Boblo in politics

In other news the glorious leader of BBH, bob Boblo has found a new job. After being a top spam supermodel (picture below)

he found himself a new job. He retired spam and is working on bringing in highly intellectual proposals such as "creating a strong stable economy". Our paparazi where able to snap pictures of him when walking out his new workplace. R-E-P-S-C-T man!!!

Celebrity news: GF spotted at the MTV awards

In other news, GF is spotted at the MTV awards at the side of what appears to his latest catch. The Woman who claims to be Silk Spectre II said that she and GF have a very deep relationship based on their mutual hatred against ATLANTIS, communists, hippies, non-Dioists, leftist, wisekids and ppl who take things too serious. S-News wishes them a happy and disturbing future together!!.

That's all for the BBH news today boys and girls.

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