France needs you!!...

Day 744, 02:04 Published in Indonesia Belgium by shadowukcs

... France is knocking on the door asking for help
-quickly, act like you don’t hear them or just completely ignore them!!! 😃 😃

Hi Indonesia,

My name is shadowukcs. I know some might know me as the former ATLANTIS SG and other might have seen me fighting for USMC or know me as the guy who spied on the PEACE forum for months and never could get caught.

I know I’ve always been your enemy in battle, but regardless of our political choice, I have always respected Indonesia allot. You military superiority, your tactical intelligence and preparation as well as dedication are unlike anyone has ever seen in e-world and your courage on the field of battle will be remembered and respected in e-history for a long time to come.

I salute you, Indonesians o7

It goes without saying that I was shocked to see the poll france opened a few weeks ago on the PEACE forum titled “kick eIndo out of PEACE” (or something similar, I don’t remember the exact words). Yes, I know many french say that that is a lie but I assure you. I've been spy on the PEACE forums for months and I have absolutely no reasons to lie to you. France did request that you where kicked out of PEACE for attacking Malaysia.

I would almost have blown my cover to react in the topic and tell those dirty frogs what ungrateful bastards they are!! I too don’t really like the French, they suck big time (and I have a holiday house in S-France so I know what I’m talking about)

BUT!!!!.... Gods be praised! As the old Klinglon proverb says “revenge is a dish best served cold”, our time is there. France is under attack by Spain and it has little or no MPP’s to protect itself.
I guess they must now be really pissed at themselves for trying to kick you guys out, don’t you think? 😃

Anyway, for your amusement I have decided to dedicate this article in your honour with some good old fashion France jokes and quotations by famous ppl.


"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me."
General George S. Patton

An old saying: Raise your right hand if you like the French.... Raise both hands if you are French.
Q: What is the first thing the French Army teaches at basic training?
A: How to surrender in at least 10 languages.
Q: What do women who are snipers in the French military use as camouflage?
A: Their armpits.
Three guys, an Indonesian, a Frenchman and an American are out walking along the beach together one day. They come across a lantern and a genie pops out of it. "I will give you each one wish, " says the genie. The American says, "I am a farmer, my dad was a farmer, and my son will also farm. I want the land to be forever fertile in America." With a blink of the genie's eye, 'FOOM' - the land in America was forever made fertile for farming. The Frenchman was amazed, so he said, "I want a wall around France, so that no one can come into our precious country." Again, with a blink of the Genie's eye, 'POOF' - there was a huge wall around France. The Indonesian asks, "I'm very curious. Please tell me more about this wall. The Genie explains, "Well, it's about 150 feet high, 50 feet thick and nothing can get in or out." The Indonesian says, "Fill it up with water."
A French and Indonesian general were surveying a battlefield. A bullet strikes the Indonesian general, grazing his arm. He shouts "Aide! Bring me my red jacket!" The French general asks "Why did you do that?" The Indonesian general responds "So my men don't see that I'm bleeding, and lose hope." A second bullet narrowly misses the French general's ear, and he shouts: "Aide! Bring me my brown trousers!"
Q. Did you hear about France's new weapons contracts?
A. They gave one to Ace Hardware to produce 250,000 wood sticks...they are still looking for a company to produce 250,000 little white flags.
And one last one
Q. How many jokes are there about the French?
A. One, the rest are true

With uttermost respect