[PRE] An Update on the Government's Status

Day 535, 00:42 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Vikta

My fellow Malaysians,

I have been pretty busy in real life, so I apologise beforehand for not updating you on the status of the government.

The senior cabinet has been established, while the junior cabinet is also in the process of being formed. Negotiations for a Q5 hospital in Peninsula Malaysia are ongoing, and discussions for war games with Thailand are on the table. Also, the option of joining other war games are available, and are being discussed.

The National Food Company will be shortly transferred into the Social Office of eMalaysia, where the new deputy Minister of Finance panzer1990panzer will manage it. The National Food Company will provide cheap and non profitable Q1 food to all Malaysians and ensure there is no starvation.

There have been contacts by different groups outside Malaysia asking whether they should migrate to Malaysia. So to all company owners, expect an influx of workers soon, as we are assigning them to priority industries.

A new citizen message has been proposed, and the mentor program is just kicking off. All new players or players wanting to be mentored should contact me or register and post in this forums here: http://erepublik.forumotion.net/society-f2/mentor-signup-thread-t155.htm?sid=261942066d9d392b7e506c0c233ee594

Thats all for now, will keep you updated, Malaysia.