Why you shouldn't vote for me in the upcoming ellections

Day 698, 14:49 Published in Colombia New Zealand by krzych32

Helo citizens of the Holy Empire of Colombia.

Every month, just before congressional ellections, we see many article from individual players telling us why they should be given our votes. This time I decided to do something different. I decided to give you some reasons why you SHOULDN'T vote for ME.

1. I still may be a Polish spy. Yes, there may be a no prove for that BUT if I am, then it just makes me the best spy EDEN ever had!!!! How scary is that.

2. I may be a leader of a PTO group, and this may be the longest PTO operation in history of eRepublik. What is it now, 4-5 month's???

3. I may be a multi. Who's multi am I?? Franches? Josedanie? Psico...I have said too much.

4. All of you who are on my friends list. I accepted your invites just because I though that this was the "Ignore" list.

5. I am not a real Colombian. So why waist a perfectly good seat on me when you can ellect some guy that does not really care for eColombia, wants to steal your money and is most likely running a 3-4 multis on the side. (It's just a joke, not targeting anyone here so stop crying!!!)

So here you have it, all reason why you shouldn't vote for me. Hope you have great ellections and remember to waist your vote on me!!!!