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War Update Part 3

8 Day 544, 04:39 Published in Philippines Philippines

The War for Asia is now over

It ended with an Explosive Bang

the Map once looking like this

The Ones with the Yellow Lines Through it are the Ones the Romanians Finally

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21 Day 531, 14:51 Published in Philippines Philippines

Thats all i need to say...😛read more »

Dont have a Job?

20 Day 530, 06:22 Published in Philippines Philippines

Work at Romans Oil

Decent Wage and like 24 hours to go before my wages are gone and NO MORE CAN BE PUT UP Because of the

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My Point Proven

51 Day 527, 07:56 Published in Philippines Philippines

The Guru varnish Are only here to Ruin the Philippines

1.) Set the food up to a really high Price
2.) destroy the Minimum wage so that no one can afford food
3.) Ruin the Strength of the PHP so that no one besides The UK And the Spanish Can

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Messed up Borders...

26 Day 525, 14:26 Published in Philippines Philippines

Now iv already written an article on my results on the WW that is currently happening just over seas from the Philippines

and 2 things have popped up which i find quite...retarded...

Its the Borders of China (Currently controlled by Romania)

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